Thursday, December 4, 2008


What: A young girl was cyber-bullied and committed suicide. The women that bullied her was charged with a misdemeanor.
Who: Lori Drew, Megan Meier
When: October 2006
Where: Missouri, US

Main Idea:
-Cyber bullying is very bad and can be more than just fun and games. It could affect a person in many different ways. Some are even known to have hurt themselves or commit suicide because of the horrible comments said in the conversations with the bully.

Own Idea:
-I believe that cyber-bullying is one of the worst things people can do to someone else. Some people have there life all around the computer and when someone ruins their world on the computer for them. The person whose favorite thing was ruined just became their worst thing to do. Also, some people take the comments very offense and some commit suicide over the things the cyber-bully says.

I think someone should pay a fine, do community service, or several months in jail (6-12 months) because Lori Drew didn’t give Megan Meier any weapon to kill herself. Megan did that on her own.